March 15, 2013

Back in the Saddle . . .

Ok, so the blog title isn't original or alliterative, BUT it is a title which means . . . I'mmmmmmmm baaaaaack!! :D

I do believe that the last post I made was 3 months BEFORE my wedding.  Now I am married (2 years in 2 months) and have the most ADORABLE little baby girl.

I mean seriously!  Look at that face!!  Try and tell me that isn't adorable.  You can't because she totally is.

So I was doing pretty good at the whole weight loss thing.  For those of you still hanging onto the edge of your seats . . . I DID fit into the wedding dress perfectly with no alterations needed.  Thank you weight watchers!  Then Chris and I went on our Honeymoon to a Sandal's Resort in Jamaica, all inclusive, and I am pretty sure that was the catalyst to the downfall of my dieting.

We had decided that we would go back to eating healthy when we got back, but remember when I was first blogging and I admitted that I was an emotional eater? Well enter emotion, and A LOT of it.  When we returned from our honeymoon there was a lot of insane stuff that happened in a short amount of time and suddenly I was 195lbs out of nowhere.  I wasn't happy with the way I looked, but really I wasn't happy with the way that I felt.  Chris and I decided to take up running and we both signed up for  a half marathon to be ran in September of 2012.

At the time it was Dec 2011 so plenty of time to train for a half marathon.  Well of course life had other plans and on February 13, 2012 we found out we were expecting our little, totally unplanned, bundle of joy.  At that time I had actually lost 15lbs, but I still wasn't anywhere near the goal I had wanted to be when I got pregnant.

I made the decision then to not "eat for two," but ultimately I ended up topping the scales at 212.  A lot of that turned out to be water weight, but I didn't figure that out until I was home from the hospital, 1 week postpartum, and I hoped on the scale to find I was 186.  No joke.  I had lost 26 pounds in 1 week between my 7lb baby and all the stupid water my body was holding onto.  It was a great high and I even managed to get myself down to 175 at one point, but the next FIVE months I bounced back and forth between 175 and 185.  It wasn't great.

I had tried using those silly free apps that are just like weight watchers, but 100% free, but there is something about paying monthly for a service that makes me more accountable and I am happy to say that I am back on the Weight Watchers and have successfully lost 5lbs my first week.  Before you congratulate me too much, I must confess that I feel that some of that is also water weight brought on by PMS.  I expect to lose about 2lbs a week.  This time I am meal planning, trying to eat different foods everyday instead of finding a set of food that is 27-28 pts and eating those exact meals EVERY DAY.  Chris is on board and is doing weight watchers by proxy.  I cook the food, he eats it, therefore he is also eating healthy.  So far he has liked everything that I have made, even the omelet that had zucchini in it.  Hopefully next week will be just as good, if not better, because I have a 5K in 3 weeks that I am expected to participate in.  I have GOT to get my little (figuratively) booty moving!!

See you in a week!

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