March 24, 2013

Every Little Bit . . .

So Week 2 was tougher only in that I got sick and relied FAR TOO MUCH on processed and pre-packaged foods.  I don't even want to know the sheer volume of sodium I consumed.  Week 1 I meal planned and made A LOT of recipes with fresh vegetables.  I had MAYBE 1 tsp of salt A DAY!!  I'm not a big salt person so I use the bare minimum, but when you buy pre-made meals they load it with salt.  As such, I only lost 1.6 lbs this last week despite having put over 6 miles underneath my feet.

The bright side is that I am down almost 7 lbs that I hope to keep off until I get pregnant again, which shouldn't be for another year or so, hopefully.

The dark side is that I have a 5K coming up soon and I am not doing nearly enough training for it.  I am not a morning person, but have no real time to go at night.  Here is the dirty little secret, if the wind is blowing, as it often does in the AV, I have no problem strapping on my shoes and hitting the pavement.  Cold, really hot, raining . . . doesn't matter.  I could be the postal service of running BEFORE I had Fin.  Now, unless Chris is home, I have to think about her too and if it is too windy, cold, hot, or raining, she cannot be out there SOOOOOOO I have to get my lazy, non-morning person butt out of bed in the morning and freaking run!!  It really is the only time that I have and I know that my body will thank me one day for doing it.  So, lofty goal is set (again) for me to get up at 5am tomorrow morning and get 3 miles in.  Wish me luck!

As far as the "diet" goes, I have meal planned for the week again.  Barring any illness I should be able to consume nothing, but healthy homemade meals from this minute forward.  We won't talk about breakfast  today or dinner last night, haha.  Lets just say that I had the points though.  ;)

I had intended to do a 2-day cleanse that consists of breakfast shakes, lean protein, and veggies, but  . . . well let's be honest, I just didn't want to do it anymore, haha.  It was only 2 days and I still couldn't get it to stick, but I really blame the fact that I just love food too much.  I didn't stray too far though.  And I didn't go overboard or off points.  I just indulged in my cravings.  Besides the cleanse had me below my target points by 11.  I keep meaning to do my measurements, but I don't want to do it in the middle of a week so hopefully I will find the time to get it done Friday before the day gets away from me.

For those of you who still read this, I leave you with the following:

What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you, can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined. 

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