June 2, 2010

For my Faithful Followers

It has been a long good while since I sat down to write anything. This is mostly due to the fact that I haven't really had anything to write about. I haven't been eating well. Exercise is a joke to me and I managed to gain all my weight back. Plus 1 pound. So to say that I have been embarrassed to admit this would be an understatement. I am disgusted with myself.

Mostly because I knew what I was doing and I didn't care. I also didn't try to stop it. It is just more par for the course. Stress, school, relationships, and added moving to the heap of stuff that drives me to eat and what did I do. I ate.

I could have gone to the gym and worked my aggressions out, but who are we kidding? Panda Express sounded way better than sweating. I don't know what is wrong with me that I cannot allow myself to be happy, but I am hoping that I can figure it out before I am no longer a spectator for the Biggest Loser, I'm a contestant.

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