August 5, 2010

Weight Watchers

So here is the thing about Weight Watchers . . . It has NEVER let me down. I have been on the plan more times than I came remember. In fact, the program has changed three times since the first time I was a member so that has to tell you something. I have always been able to follow the plan and reach my goal weight safely and healthily (if that is even a word). So knowing that you must be asking yourself the same question that I always ask myself: "If Weight Watchers is so good, why then are you (or am I when I ask it in my head) back up to 173.4?" Well my faithful followers, that is an easy question for me to answer. Weight Watchers IS fantastic, it's me that's the problem.

I like to think that my failure with the program comes from a coupling of my own arrogance and laziness. That's right folks!! My dirty little secret is out.

It isn't that I am not good at the program. I have gained and lost the weight of an average sized adult in all my endeavors with the program, it is the maintenance that is my problem. When I am on program I am dedicated to it. I will measure and weigh EVERYTHING!!! Nothing goes into my body without first being checked by the points calculator. This time around (since I am actually at the highest weight I have ever been) I get to eat 23 points a day. Yesterday I made a Turkey sandwich on Whole Wheat bread and it was 4 points and delicious, but the small bag of potato chips was 5 points and I just wasn't willing to eat 5 points in chips. Not when I could have had 2 plums, an orange, grapes, carrots, and an apple all for 5 points too.

Now don't get me wrong. I allow myself cheat days and free meals, but only after I have been on the plan successfully for a month. Then I will allow myself one meal, one day a week to "binge." But by then, it isn't even really binging because my appetite has shrank so I still have a smaller portion of the cheat meal than I would have if I wasn't on point. AND I always add it to the tracker even if it makes me go over for the week. Even then, I still show losses on the scale consistently week after week.

So where do I go wrong? Well I get down to the fabulous weight that I want to be and then I start the maintenance portion of the program and the arrogance kicks in. "I know what a cup looks like, I don't have to measure that." "I can tell how big 4 oz of meat is, I don't need to weight that." "Today is my cheat day, I can go to Del Taco AND Olive Garden today." "I don't feel good today, I am just going to skip the gym for TODAY only." "Its only 1 beer!" Then the next thing you know I have gained 50 pounds.

In my mind I know that Weight Watchers isn't meant to be a diet. A diet is a fad or a new years resolution. Weight Watchers is meant to help institute a lifestyle change and I am all for it when I am losing. I lose the motivation somewhere between reaching that goal and attempting to maintain it.

Hopefully this blog will help me stay accountable.


Christi said...

So true, so true. I have lost a lot of weight with the Weight Watchers point program... as much as 53 pounds in 4 months! Then I get lazy like you say and stop trying so hard and slowly the weight creeps back. I have to go grocery shopping this weekend, but maybe if I go back on WW starting Monday we can help keep each other motivated like we did before. Remember, eating healthy, gym at 5am...? We did it before and can do it again... :)

Krisse Moto said...

Right!? What happened to us and those days? I lost 10 lbs!! Then I gained twice that back!! UGH!!!

Sandra K said...

I've never done WW, but have counted calories and macronutrients and been successful plenty of times... I have the exact same problem. Seriously it's like I could have written this post myself!

Krisse Moto said...

It is good to know that others share my same problem. Then I know that I am not crazy!! Ok, so I'm still a little crazy, but not alone. :D