April 20, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in Week 1

Between a mini-vacay to Catalina island and a hectic work schedule I am finally able to pull a few minutes together to blog. I have been going through serious blog withdrawls. I wanted to post all weekend, but I didn't bring my laptop (lest I be tempted to do homework) and the internet wasn't all that great besides.

I wish I could say that I was a good girl this weekend. I'd be lying if I said that calories were on my mind the WHOLE time. I did have glimmers of my goal, but that was mostly the first night as I had to take off my dress to reveal myself in my bathing suit. I promptly entered the spa and remained there until most of the people had left. It was then that I was comfortable enough to leave the safety of the spa for the pool (which may claim it was heated, but I felt like Clark Griswold for a minute).

Did any of this stop me from having pizza? Nope. Battered fish and chips? Nope. Cheese loaded omelet's? Nope. I ate what I want!!! We did do A LOT of walking, don't get me wrong there. I was thoroughly embarrassed at the ease with which I was winded climbing stairs on our Ghost Tour. I felt like, what I imagine the Biggest Loser's contestants look like their first week on campus. I felt a tightening in my chest and I even started sweating . . . I mean glistening . . . a little. This from a girl who not 3 months ago could go 45 minutes on the CKMB machine at 24 hour fitness. That girl is really disappointed in this girl I've become.

So how do I get back to that hot little tamale? Insert Body fat percentage. I am technically obese. Not severely, but once one hears the word obese it changes things a little. All those (S)In-N-Out burgers and miscellaneous other junk foods that sounded so good a week ago are starting to feel heavy on my limbs. I can actually feel the 45.13% of fat that is hanging on my body like someone suddenly attached invisible weights to my body. BUT, the important part is that it isn't going to weigh down my spirits.

Last Monday I weighed in at 169.8 and this Monday I weighed in at . . . drumroll please . . . 169.6!!!! Yay!!! I lost .2 lbs!!! Ok, so I am definitely not going to break any Biggest Loser records with that, and I may as well not have lost anything at all, but even a .2 loss is a loss. I didn't gain any more weight and I have 2 ounces less fat on my body. I doubt that it changed my BFP any, but I still have about 11 weeks to come back and kick Eli and Kate ( a newcomer to our weight loss challenge) butts!!! There may always be another hill to climb tomorrow, but at least at some point it'll be easier to get to the top!


Christi said...

May I just say, I love that you said glistening. That made me lol. =) Remember how fast you were increasing your time on our CKMBM before... you can do it again. I think the .2 weight loss you refer to is something to be proud of! You were on vacation all weekend and didn't GAIN... that is an accomplishment in itself. You can do it, ST! I believe in you.

Megan said...

Ah, Kristal, this all sounds so familiar! You are capturing the struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle very eloquently, and we are all rooting for you (and ourselves)!