April 26, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in Week 2

Have you ever watched the Biggest Loser? The first two weeks on the ranch and the contestants usually lose about 30 lbs. Can I get in on that? I mean I only have about 34 lbs to lose at all and to do so in 3 weeks sounds like heaven. I could spend the rest of the competition maintaining. So bring it on Bob and Gillian. I am ready!!!!

Insert reality.

Today I am laid up in bed with severe back pain. My goal to hit the gym in the wee am morning was thwarted by a pain so bad that I am only comfortable when I am doused in icy/hot and laying completely still. I'd like to have some cool story about how it ended up hurt, but it likely happened while I was cleaning the apartment yesterday. So boring.

All my goals have not been completely cast aside today. I hobbled my way to the scale only to find that I had maintained for a week. No loss, no gain. I suppose that I should be happy that I didn't gain anything. That means that while I wasn't exactly counting calories, I did manage to keep my portions under control. And let's not forget that it was my birthday weekend and I consumed A LOT of alcohol over three days. No gain is almost too fantastical an occurrence to believe. Yet it . . . just . . . happened!! Is your mind blown?

So today I am already breakfast and a snack into the day at 470 calories. Hopefully after a muscle relaxer induced coma I will be able to get out of the apartment for a walk. I am not naive enough to assume that I could make a full recovery and hit the gym as I had hoped, but a nice walk in the fresh air is better than laying like a slug all day in bed. Any calories burned are better than calories converted to fat.

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